You have not set a root node, so your labyrinth will not play. Please return to the visual editor, and click on the starting node -> Actions -> Set as Root

Labyrinth session "Υποξεία θυρεοειδίτιδα μετά από λοίμωξη με Sars-COV-2 (de Quervain)" user

session 398214
Labyrinth Υποξεία θυρεοειδίτιδα μετά από λοίμωξη με Sars-COV-2 (de Quervain) (691)
start time 2025.02.25 09:13:00
time taken 00:00
nodes visited 1 nodes visited altogether of which 1 required nodes and  61 avoid nodes visited


ID type stem response correct feedback
node time elapsed (in seconds) time spent on node
Επιπρόσθετες οδηγίες (15604) 0 0

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