Makes an appointment in the pain clinicAnna makes an appointment in the pain clinic. This is a totally new concept for her, since it's the first time she hears about the way pain clinics work. There the anesthesiologists, who specializes in chronic pain management, explains basic concepts about chronic pain, the use of pain medication but also about alternative, non pharmacological treatments for pain, like physiotherapy, exercise (for example swimming, Yoga, Pilates), use of assistive devices for OA (such as canes, walkers, reachers and grabbers, button hooks, jar openers, lever door handles), psychotherapy (such as CBT), meditation, accupuncture and other. First of all, the pain doctor and Anna agree on a treatment plan, discuss her pain medication and he asks what else seems feasible for her to do, to help manage her pain. Anna mentions she drinks sometimes to soothe her pain and avoid taking pain medicines. The pain specialist says that alcohol and pain medication do not combine well and that she should cut back on her drinking, especially on the days she is going to be taking opioids. He also explains that alcohol consumption might compromise her liver function, in general, and could create other adverse effects when combined with several other drugs, not only with painkillers. |
Map: 1. Anna, 58-year-old with hip OA (Psychological Therapy) (867)
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